Olá, pessoal.
Eu gostaria de postar hoje alguma estória ou comentário mas as idéias nao fluiram como esperado. :-(
Entao, decidi somente postar a imagem e esta explicação.
Espero que vocês gostem.
Hello, people.
Today I'd like to post a story or some opinion on any subject but I got no good ideas. :-(
So, I decided to post only the image and this explanation.
Hope you like the drawing.
Why does the guy look annoyed? Is it because someone is taking too much time in the bathroom? Anyways, he looks sexy!
Talk about things that affect you personally, like your favourite things (TV shows, celebrities, music, comics etc), the things that annoy you or whatever is on your mind.
He may be annoyed by the fact that he doesn't have a story, hehehe. Poor boy.
Thxs about the suggestions for my writings. That sure will help me.
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