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Tuesday, November 04, 2008

My-Mini-Private-Illustration-Project V

Hello, boys.

My project goes on and on and on.

It is Tony Buff's turn.
I go breathless just imagining how it would be if I could ever meet Mr. Buff.
I would love to attend one of his presentations and learn new ways to 'inflict' pleasure.

Many hugs,



Y said...

That is a quite becoming drawing!


Nerone said...

You are so sweet, my dear friend thonnibg. Always following my posts.
And always sending compliments.
Thank you so much, sweetboy.


Y said...

It means that the portrait you made is great:)

Nerone said...


tonyBuff said...

Wow, what a wonderful tribute. That's very sweet of you to create, Nerone. May I have permission to post it to my site? I love it.

~ Buff

Nerone said...

I'm soooo glad that you liked it, Mr. Buff!!!
Of course you have the permission to repost it in your site. It's an honnour and I'll be very proud to have my drawing there.
Thank you so much.

Many hugs