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Thursday, March 15, 2007

Catecismo Pervertido #37/ Perv Catechism #37

Olá, pessoal.
O post de hoje é um esclarecimento aos meu amigos que falam inglês. Eu sempre faço questão de escrever em português e inglês mas no post anterior não deu. Fiquei todo animado com o Trintinha e os comentários que chegaram. Inclusive, eu gostaria de agradecer imensamente o carinho e a atenção de vocês. Estou muito grato mesmo. Espero poder continuar contando com vossa amizade por muito tempo ainda. (E que eu consiga sempre trazer coisas novas e interessantes para vocês.)
Neste momento, peço licença a vocês para me dirigir aos estrangeiros.

Hello all.
As all of you know, I always post in Portuguese and in
English. That's very important to me. I know that people from all around the world visit this blog and I want to be understood by everybody. So, I try to do my best translating the posts.
Well, since the last post had only the Portuguese version I feel I owe you some kind of information on that. One day, a brazilian blogfriend (
Trintinha is his name) asked me to do a sketch for him so he could post it on his blog (Casa dos Trinta). He wanted to be the subject of the sketch. He would give me some information on himself and I would try to imagine him. He wouldn't send any pics of him. It was almost like a bind date. I thought it would be a lot of fun and accepted his proposal.
Boys, did I have a great time!!! He was expecting only one sketch but I got excited with the idea and drew one more. Then, I posted the two sketches here and he did the same on his blog. You can't imagine what a wonderful response we got. We got a lot of fun comments and many people are looking forward to spank him , LOL. So, the idea was a big success and we feel very happy for that.
One more thing...
Trintinha is a wonderful guy. He has a great sense of humor and is very sweet. And I hope I'll be the first to get the chance to slap him a little. LOL

Eu estava quase me esquecendo. Hoje eu tentei trocar minha foto no meu perfil mas não consegui. Portanto, vou publicá-la aqui mesmo.

I almost forgot. Today I tried to change my profile's pic but could not get it through. So, I'll post it here.




Unknown said...

Hummmm pelo jeitro não sou só eu qeu tenho força no olhar, hein? Rssss... Beijos, querido!

Nerone said...

A gente faz o que pode, né? heheheh
